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Meet Skye Michiels

Skye Michiels wakes up every morning practicing healthy-selfish habits and happiness.

He is a dad, award-winning real estate leader, coach, and motivational speaker in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He brings a human approach to everything he does. 

With over 20 years of experience in real estate, Skye has held various impactful roles, including his recent position as the National Head of Agent Development at Compass. In this role, he led the training initiatives for Compass’s Realtors, emphasizing the importance of leading with heart in their teams, businesses, and personal growth journeys. In addition, he formerly founded the popular motivation and accountability group, The 6AMERS, and its podcast, fostering a community for thousands of agents every week. 

Today, Skye serves as the Founder and CEO of With Heart Coaching, a transformative platform envisioning a world where life coaching is accessible to all individuals. Through specialized programming tailored for professionals and entrepreneurs, With Heart Coaching empowers individuals to embrace happiness, healthiness, and human connection. Skye's mission is to foster a culture of continuous growth and improvement, encouraging everyone to strive for becoming 1% better every single day. 

If you are a Compass agent, you can submit for reimbursement from your marketing/coaching budgets (not 10x10 funds)

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